August 29, 2008

Release 0.5.14: Bugfixing bonanza

First of all, a huge thank you to our group of testers. We recruited 10 people who know Plex inside out and are major contributors to the forums, and they...

August 20, 2008

Make sure you’re using the latest version

I’m getting a number of crash reports (a couple in the last few hours) from people running older versions (usually RC1 or RC2). In this specific case (playing .img files)...

August 15, 2008

Status update

I apologize for the lack of updates, I’ve had my parents-in-law in town, and as such haven’t had that much free time. However, we’re very close to the next release...

August 2, 2008

Blog Migration

What better thing to do on a perfectly sunny Saturday morning than migrate blogs? I can actually think of plenty of things, but Isaac convinced me this would be a...

August 1, 2008

Plex in the Wall Street Journal

Hey, pretty cool, we got a mention in the Wall Street Journal on July 24th. I spoke with the reporter for a while, but unfortunately Barkley got left on the...

July 31, 2008

Smart Crash Reports and the GPL

OK, before this gets out of hand, a quick word. To paraphrase Michael Jackson: I’m a coder not a lawyer. I appreciate d4rk’s bring the matter to our attention (although...

July 29, 2008

Release 0.5-RC3: Statistical bugfixing

The crash reports filtered in today, and at the end of the day I sorted them into folders. There were literally 26 identical crashes when playing VIDEO_TS, which is a...

July 29, 2008

Smart Crash Reporter

I’m glad the new version of Smart Crash Reporter installed for more people, the reports are pouring in this morning. The good news is that the majority are clustered around...

July 29, 2008

Release 0.5-RC2: Stability?

OK, the following new release should fix the nasty regression with non-primary screens (HTTP, Bittorrent, Source). Enjoy, I’m off to bed.

July 28, 2008

Release 0.5-RC1: Stability, stability, stability

OK, it’s been about three weeks since the last release, and we’ve been working hard. The most noticeable change in this release (HTTP, Torrent, Source) is the rebranding. The name...

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Release 0.5.14: Bugfixing bonanza is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.

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